The P3 Approach
At (P3), we dream beyond daycare to create a nurturing environment that encourages exploration and empowers the family unit. Our vision fuses child care and STEAM learning, to provide a network of safe and reliable spaces for families to thrive.
About Us
Principal Preparatory Project, Incorporated, (P3), is a boutique institution that seeks to redefine the standards of early childcare education. The company began planning in 2017 and has consistently produced the motivation necessary to meet its business goals.
(P3) is a Georgia state commercial, non-discriminatory child care learning center (CCLC) focused on the care, supervision, and academic development of children from (6) six weeks to (13) thirteen years of age. The Principal Preparatory Project (P3) is governed by the State of Georgia’s Bright from the Start, Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL).
Vision & Values
Our goal is to positively influence children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. The children are at the center of our work. From there, we service the family unit, the P3 team, and the community. We partner with parents and the community, to:
Provide Principal Education
Prepare children to thrive in real-world settings.
Support the family unit as an ongoing Project.